After The Floodwaters Have Gone

Basic Tools You Require When Demolishing Parts of a Building

by Elaine Barnett

If you are about to embark on a minor building demolition project, it is essential to make sure the job is done right. One of the best ways to do this is to arm yourself with the necessary tools and equipment. When you hire a demolition professional, you will not need to worry about this because they will bring everything that's needed for the task. But if you have chosen to do the project yourself, there are some tools and equipment you require to get the job done effectively. Note that it's advisable to purchase new tools instead of used tools because they are covered by the guarantee. If the tools break down, the repair expenses will be covered.

Below are the tools you'll need for building demolition.

Circular saw

Although circular saws are essential building tools, they can also be used to take things apart. You may use a circular saw to slice up the deck or plunge cut the flooring. Be sure to use a masonry blade when mounting then cut into the driveway, patio, slab, or any other similar area you might be demolishing.

Pliers, snips, and nippers

If the area you are demolishing has some electrical wires, you will need the right tool to cut them. A pair of pliers, nipper and snips will come in handy. However, ensure that the power is switched off to avoid accidents. Snips are also suitable for cutting out aluminium and your old HVAC duct.

Rotary hammers

Rotary hammers are suitable for concrete. You will probably need to rent this piece of equipment then utilise it to burst out the sidewalk, old stoop, or concrete wall. Rotary hammers can also be used to crack the basement slab. Note that a small hammer is suitable for breaking masonry substrate or free tiles from wood. If you are not sure about the right rotary hammer you should get, the rental shop assistants should help you.

Sledge hammer

Your demolition kit will be incomplete without a quality sledge. Be careful when buying a sledge hammer — it's not advisable to buy the cheapest one you come across since it can chip easily once you strike the concrete. Choose the one that has been drop forged and heat-treated.

Remember that there is a wide range of power and hand tools you might need that haven't been outlined in this post. Make sure you talk to a demolition specialist to know what you need. Or, assign your minor project to a building demolition expert to get excellent service and avoid the stress that comes with such tasks.
